Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Trucking Along

We are just trucking along here, I am no longer working right now and am enjoying every minute of being home with my hubby and beautiful little girl during the day! Garrett is in school all day, but it is getting closer to the end of the school year and then he is going to spend the summer with his Daddy! He's very excited about this, and I know his Dad is happy too!! He was also accepted back into the school he is in this year and into an awesome program that is perfect for kids who need to learn with the "hands on" approach!!
The dry wall is all done and tomorrow my Aunt and Uncle are coming to start more work on the addition, I am praying that by the time we come back from our vacation in June that we will be able to move into our new space! Of course if we get to move in there before then that's even better!
This coming Sunday is Mother's Day and we are having Isabelle's Baby Dedication at church along with several other families and their babies!! It will be a wonderful day for all :)